Type: Mouse gene
Symbol: Casr
Name/Description: calcium-sensing receptor
Entrez ID: 12374

The histograms presented below show the localization scores for this gene for each parcellation: coarse, cortex, & fine. The default setting is relative, which shows the localization score for the gene normalized by the Volume Fraction of the Compartment.

Toggling the 'absolute' button will allow you to see the raw localization scores for each region. Hovering over a bar will reveal the precise localization value - the calculated result of the relative function when the relative button is active, or the raw localization score when the absolute button is active. Additionally, hovering over a specific bar will reveal the relevant brain region on the maps below. Please note that the color of the bars and brain regions are also significant, since they are interpolated on a color scale in accordance to the localization scores.

If the page is interrupted during the loading period, the histograms may load improperly. If you suspect that this is the case, you may toggle the relative/absolute switches to properly render your desired data.

Parcellation: Coarse
Brain Regions (12): CTX (Cerebral cortex) OLF (Olfactory areas) HIP (Hippocampal region) RHP (Retrohippocampal region) STR (Striatum) PAL (Pallidum) TH (Thalamus) HY (Hypothalamus) MB (Midbrain) P (Pons) MY (Medulla) CB (Cerebellum)
Expression Levels
Sagittal Image I
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100883813
Coronal Image I
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100960221
Coronal Image II
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100960248
Parcellation: Cortex
Brain Regions (7): L1 (Layer 1) L2 (Layer 2) L23 (Layer 2/3) L4 (Layer 4) L5 (Layer 5) L6a (Layer 6a) L6b (Layer 6b)
Expression Levels
Micro-Scale Image
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100960380
Parcellation: Fine
Brain Regions (94): CTX (Cerebral cortex) MOB (Main olfactory bulb) AOB (Accessory olfactory bulb) AON (Anterior olfactory nucleus) TT (Taenia tecta) PIR (Piriform area) NLOT (Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract) PAA (Piriform-amygdalar area) COA (Cortical amygdalar area) TR (Postpiriform transition area) CA (Ammon's Horn) DG (Dentate gyrus) RHP (Retrohippocampal region) SUB (Subiculum) CP (Caudoputamen ) ACB (Nucleus accumbens ) FS (Fundus of striatum) OT (Olfactory tubercle ) LS (Lateral septal nucleus ) CEA (Central amygdalar nucleus ) AAA (Anterior amygdalar area) MEA (Medial amygdalar nucleus ) PALd (Pallidum_ dorsal region) PALv (Pallidum_ ventral region) BST (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis ) PALm (Pallidum_ medial region) AM (Anteromedial nucleus) AV (Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus ) LD (Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus) RT (Reticular nucleus of the thalamus) LAT (Lateral group of the dorsal thalamus) LP (Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus) LGv (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex) ILM (Intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus) PF (Parafascicular nucleus) EPI (Epithalamus) MD (Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus) LGd (Dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex) MG (Medial geniculate complex) VENT (Ventral group of the dorsal thalamus) VM (Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus) VP (Ventral posterior complex of the thalamus) HY (Hypothalamus) ARH (Arcuate hypothalamic nucleus) DMH (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus) AHN (Anterior hypothalamic nucleus) MBO (Mammillary body) PH (Posterior hypothalamic nucleus) VMH (Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus) LZ (Hypothalamic lateral zone) TU (Tuberal nucleus) ZI (Zona incerta) MB (Midbrain) IC (Inferior colliculus) SCs (Superior colliculus_ sensory related) SCm (Superior colliculus_ motor related) SNr (Substantia nigra_ reticular part) VTA (Ventral tegmental area) RR (Midbrain reticular nucleus_ retrorubral area) PAG (Periaqueductal gray) PRT (Pretectal region) APN (Anterior pretectal nucleus ) CUN (Cuneiform nucleus) RN (Red Nucleus) SNc (Substantia nigra_ compact part) PPN (Pedunculopontine nucleus) RAmb (Midbrain raphé nuclei) P (Pons) NLL (Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus) PB (Parabrachial nucleus) PSV (Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal) SOC (Superior olivary complex) PCG (Pontine central gray) PG (Pontine gray) TRN (Tegmental reticular nucleus) V (Motor nucleus of trigeminal) VII (Facial motor nucleus) CS (Superior central nucleus raphé) MY (Medulla) CN (Cochlear nuclei ) DCN (Dorsal column nuclei) NTS (Nucleus of the solitary tract) SPVC (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal_ caudal part) SPVI (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal_ interpolar part) SPVO (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal_ oral part) IO (Inferior olivary complex) LRN (Lateral reticular nucleus) MARN (Magnocellular reticular nucleus) PGRN (Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus) VNC (Vestibular nuclei) XII (Hypoglossal nucleus) MY-sat (Medulla_ behavioral state related) CBN (Cerebellar nuclei) CBX (Cerebellar cortex)
Expression Levels
Sagittal Image I
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100883813
Sagittal Image II
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100883869
Sagittal Image III
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100883900
Coronal Image I
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100960081
Coronal Image II
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100960260
Coronal Image III
image/svg+xml Atlas slice for 100966096
Maximum Intensity Image
(1) Human Gene Orthologs